Wednesday, May 3, 2017

CHANEL resort 2018

Aaah the glories of ancient Greece or is it Rome? Nonetheless, Monsieur L. delivered a more than exhaustive collection, as usual, but with all that was shown there was little if anything to really elicit any hoo-ha or dropped jaws. Yes of course there are the requisite draped Grecian goddess dresses and gowns and the hieroglyphics that decorated many an urn or amphora… oh yes plenty of tweeds … plenty…  in fact this may have been tweed overdose. Someone might even say this was Karl commercial...

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What is odd is that the collection is that it was also extremely accessory laden which has not been the case in the most recent past. Yeah, there are also the requisite clunkers that Karl can do so well…. You know the ones that make the models look fat or are just so heavy looking that they defy one's imagination. There were tops to evoke warrior breast plates, gladiator skirts and enough gladiator sandals to fill the Coliseum. Truth be told many pieces reminded me of the “slave wardrobes” worn in the costume epics of the 60s such as Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments.
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Having always been a fan of Karl and of Chanel, this might be the first time that I actually can say that the collection was boring and truly lacking any of the de rigeur shock and awe that both brand and designer have made a trademark of every show. If you press me hard enough you might get me to say that this was one big fringed tweedy drapey yawn of a collection.
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