Monday, March 30, 2020

allow me to introduce you to Marwill De León

Once again, this is a chance encounter with someone who was wise enough to strike up a conversation after I paid him a compliment. I am endlessly fascinated by the people one can meet just by saying a few kind words and possibly something complimentary.  The amazement is when the party on the receiving end is gracious enough to acknowledge the sentiment and then strike up a chat.
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Marwill De León is today’s case in point as he is one hell of a charmer and in these tough times of social distancing, it is indeed very refreshing to find people who are open to “making friends” and learning about who I am and me learning about who they are. The next natural step for me was to ask if he would be interested in doing one of my 5 question interviews, given that I found him to be a sort of multifaceted young man who possesses a very unique skill set, as you will find out, and none of them are of the fans only variety!.. if you catch my drift!!
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So here you have one Marwill De León who is going to tell us who he is and what he wants out this life in his own words….

Jeffrey Felner: You have such a diverse skill set... can you tell us how they all came about and do they ever have a cross over point?

Marwill Delión: Yeah …well to be honest, I’m not quite sure how it just happened because I was just living my life. I’m from Puerto Rico where I lived most of my life; I was this crazy little, maybe a little wild, the kid always getting in trouble skating and surfing.  My cross over point I would say was when I came when I moved here to the USA where I started to cook and soon became a chef. Then I started looking for modeling jobs and researching exactly how I might achieve this goal. 
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JF: If you could invite any 5 people to dinner (dead or alive) who would they be and why?
MD: My 5 people ....  well ...  I have no idea actually but I guess Jean-Paul (JP) as he is like my brother. Then Gabriel, my cousin, since we were always getting into trouble together while growing up. Then I’d want Jimi Hendrix, because he just needs to be at the table, Bob Marley because he’s a lover just like me… hahaha ... and lastly Pablo Picasso for no other reasons than that I admire his discipline, talents and his passions.  
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JF: Let’s get a bit personal here…  tell us about the tattoos and the hair... obviously, they are your chosen trademarks... why and what do they represent?
MD: So okay, I’ve always liked my hair long but there was a point when I was unable to keep it long because of culinary school. Then I took a leap of faith and moved to the USA. the tats all represent and parts of me and who I am and what I love. These traits and memories (tats) remind me of where I come from. 
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JF: In a perfect world, what would be your greatest dream ... where would you live, what would you be doing, and what message would you hope to be conveying to others?
MD: My greatest dream would be to be on the cover of GQ and Vogue and to be able to travel and visit my family whenever I want. I’ve never been but I would love to live somewhere in Europe especially because traveling would afford me that luxury and being exposed to so many of the world's cultures.

 I could also see myself living on a beach somewhere catching waves, drinking water from the seeds of the palm.  My message ... honestly, would be possessing the freedom of allowing ourselves to realize that life is too damn short. We have to live the life that we have while holding onto a strong purpose and learning not to let go... mainly because there are no real do-overs in life… you can’t turn back the clock and start again, you only get one chance to start for the first time!

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