Friday, May 3, 2019

PRADA resort 2020

In still one more instance of making still one more social statement about the present state of the world, Miuccia stepped up on  her soap box to be the new queen and  the epitome of anti-excess. And, by golly one more time she nailed it with a collection that looked more like it was suited for the Amish than for the cosmopolitan clientele that Prada has grown. If you close your eyes and think really hard it looks like cheap Gucci, Vetements and John Meyer of Norwich on acid!
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"The dainty sturdiness of these clothes is likely to resonate with shoppers who are likewise turned off by the complexities and complications of our modern existence." EXPLAIN THAT TO ME PLEASE!!
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 You want to bitch and moan about excess start with your price points ... those nylon bags which were about the only things appealing on that runway and they probably start at about $500 retaill and rise from there  but oh  no that’s not excessive… it’s a rip off is what it is!
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The clothes are as tiresome as her many manifestos tend to be and the many causes she chooses to rant about via  clothes  which are as a rule far  more excessive in their unappealing look than then they are screaming  buy  me. This is the Pennsylvania Dutch version of Prada.
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Milk maids may  step forward and oh and that pink  full length shearling coats  .. It’s hardly excessive at, I’m guessing about 10 grand   but you rant on Miuccia .. you really should have stuck to black nylon.
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Try designing clothes other than for kids who think this is fashion which they will eventually buy in every second  hand store worldwide!
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