Friday, February 19, 2016

Delpozo and Sies Marjan Fall 2016 NYFW

Following in the footsteps of one of the so called fashion media elite, this article will be about a neophyte, one Sander Lak of Sies Marjan and one master of fashion, Josep Font of Delpozo. The difference is that this article will not compare but harshly contrast the two and then just ask you to decide where the talent lies.
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Having just read 2 reviews of one designer’s freshman outing, what comes to mind first is what collection did they see and second how much pressure was exerted on the reviewer to be positive to the point of fawning and why exactly was there so much extraneous internal information other than about the clothes?

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When a review opens up with whose assistant you were as a means of explanation, introduction and justification rather than to just speak to the collection and then segues to the name of your bankroll, well, you know there is trouble in River City. There is hardly an original thought in the collection which is even more sorely compounded with the idea of espousing all of it as new or a revelation. This is some pile of meh pretending to be the next greatest thing unless you think titty pink is the next hot color or that pajamas and robes are new.

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I’m guessing no one reads a newspaper, a magazine or trolls the internet for if they did they might see that there are far too many other designers sending the same message, vying for the same dollars and looking for the same customer. Well you have heard of Meals on Wheels and now you have inventory on wheels if you catch my drift!

And then there is Delpozo who marches to the beat of its own drum and is head and shoulders above so many. Let’s make one point here and that is with the pervious designer what you see is what you get and here with Delpozo you are taken on a magical journey via a designer’s singular vision for a fabled brand that has only resurfaced in recent times.

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Josep Font offers clothes that some might call conceptual or outlandish but for me these are wildly original creations that veer towards collectible. It is no mystery that women want these clothes in the same way that maybe Thom Browne appeals to his customers. In essence one might say this is fashion esoterica or even fashion for the not faint of heart... in others words, these are not “wallflower” clothes. If you place these clothes with the likes of Prada and other blah blah blah designers, you might be making an error as these are not conceived out of faux intelligence but from a brand’s DNA that spans many decades.

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Font is all about color, graphics, volumes, proportions, embellishments, visual effects and in general just stretching the limits of fashion and not just pushing the envelope but shoving it. The clothes are excruciatingly well made and constructed in fabrics that are not uncommon but in his hands they become just the opposite. Fashionphiles should really read up on the founder as he was an extraordinary designer and technician who was relatively if not totally unknown this side of the Atlantic. History surely plays a part in this collection every season.

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So, you tell me if these 2 can reside in the same arena of fashion!

PS.. Mr. Lak seems to lack the concept that the season is FALL!

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