Sunday, September 13, 2009


JASON WU -What a difference 6 months can make ..JW is all grown up with a less Artsy more grown up but not dowdy collection short on decoration and long on draping and dressmaking--waists--platforms-- defined shoulders--It's a direction which suits him and his customer

YIGAL AZROUEL--While not usually a fan , I find the ASYMETRICAL aspect of the clothes to be a trend with some designer thus far, and it certainly adds to the simple geometry of these modern sexy clothes....but the Back Suede Booties distract as does the high waisted pant

ALTAZURRA--These 21 st century Hippie clothes cannot hide the designers past with Givenchy but I fine these to be more appealing and less harsh than the French version ..Hippie Chic without the toughness of Givenchy --wonderful softly draped suedes, feminine whites, and flattering blush pink ....all for the younger "couture" customer or at least for the young at heart

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