Here’s the deal... Raf got canned because the numbers dropped enough that he wasn’t worth the expense of having him combined with the stock dropping and dragging down the mothership so now we have the boy wonder of Gucci who could be next … take note… this bubble will burst sooner than later and the only throne he will be seated on is a toilet!
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The clothes are as usual absurd, sensorially overloaded and what’s worse is that maybe at the beginning it was shock and awe that morphed into some pseudo fashion statement but now it looks so forced and so intentionally unappealing that the fashion victims might revolt. Notice there is very little monogrammed Gucci canvas… almost every handbag is leather and when you break it down, yes there are things to wear but there is nothing new here except the irrational and purposefully ugliness and visual joke of it!
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There is no need to really review this as the images speak to all that has been said … it is another great season for thrift shops and of less than attractive models that are only heightened to look even more unattractive. The tide will turn and suddenly when Kering takes a financial hit there will be no more wonder boy who will be radioactive with his Johnny one note goulash of fashion.
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This season is just a continuation of the same old same old since the day he took the reins... so what’s new, where’s the new, where’s the aspiration what is there for the victims to drool over?
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So I say Alessandro … be very careful and Mr., Mr. Bizzarri... Take heed… the door of entry is also used as an exit. The days of mondo bizarro may be over sooner than you anticipated!