It might be suggested to the house that this show should have been cast as a backdrop for the handbags as the clothes were nothing short of absurd. If I could find one thing that might be redeeming, it would be the jackets and outerwear pieces and very few individual pieces after that. One is reminded that all of it really doesn't matter as these clothes have limited distribution at best and if they are sold outside the network of Louis Vuitton stores, they are sold in leased departments which are controlled by LVMH. I just question why spend the money to display some paean to the 50's when the only things missing were saddle shoes and poodle skirts.....................and all at stratospheric prices. One more time ..................it is a good thing they depend on bags and not on apparel.
If this is restraint then I say bring it on !!! With the renewed focus on "daywear" this season Mr. Saab serves up many tasty chic dishes on his menu. While the evening portion may not have been as over the top as usual, it hardly ignored the glamor quotient. He is laying the ground work to become a major player which would be a welcomed addition to the usual suspects.
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