Monday, October 1, 2012

Tom Ford Spring 2013

For me, this is just another pile of overly hyped clothes designed by one of the media darlings, he of the perfectly affected pose and expression and the ultimate control freak who fancies himself provocateur. I found the collection hackneyed and trite, not to mention pretty tasteless for the most part with very few exceptions. If it didn’t fall into those categories it might have fallen into the category of revisited from other collection from 40 or 50 years ago as if no one might notice.

These are clothes that are meant to provoke and shock for the mere emotional and visceral reaction that one has when they see them. These are not clothes that are meant to be worn other than by starlets, fashion victims or the latest overly moneyed crowd… the Russians and oh yeah, and Wendy Murdoch.
For the most part, the bike short (think Demi Moore’s boner of an outfit at the Oscars) / athletic inspiration is as tired as Tom's sneer , open collared white shirt and 3 day growth. The gratuitous overtly sexy pieces are just that; they might as well come with neon signs that scream “look at me “complete with flashing arrows open 24 hours!. And then there is the vintage Cardin pierce and the heinous over the top gladiator stiletto book to be worn with all of.
In the end, one has to ask … what is refined or chic about any of it? And who needs this?

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