Once upon a time fashion shows were reserved for the top tier of Seventh Avenue fashion. As time progressed, the bigger names of sportswear took the catwalk to promote a different way of looking at fashion as well as an alternative to the so called ‘couture” of the 550 set. (figure it out)
Today, apparently if you can afford to put on what passes for a show, you get covered by Vogue.com which is still trying to conquer being relevant.
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Fashion has become a source of entertainment and along with that came the opening of the floodgates for anyone who can stitch 2 pieces of fabric together and gather enough gawkers to cheer you on in some god forsaken out of the way venue.
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Snobbishly and unabashedly, I must say fashion was much more of an elegant affair when it was less democratic, and not in a political way, but in a way that the shows were filled with well-dressed people who actually bought clothes and wrote about clothes and friends of the designers. Going to shows today has become this sort of rat fuck with hordes of selfie takers as well as slews of wannabe influencers who know absolutely nothing about the business or world of fashion other than …………..pooh!! That’s hot! Oooooooh that’s fierce! ……….ooooooooooooooh I’d love to wear that!
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It’s rather pathetic to watch a 10 minute presentation on robotic models that can barely walk a straight line wearing clothes that no human being would be caught dead in.
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Much has been said that when big business enters the world of fashion that the fashion itself suffers but getting on a show calendar here in at NYFW has now become a business and yes indeed fashion is mortally wounded and in desperate need of resuscitation if not a life line. I know that every young designer aspires to do a catwalk show as if that is the epitome of success but what no one seems to tell them is that spending 10s of or even 100s of thousands of dollars to fill a venue with friends and people looking for free stuff is not the road to success. Success lies in in actually selling clothes to store and in turn the stores actually selling the clothes.
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So here in a highly and possibly overly curated look at some of what passes for so called fashion is a series of what might be politely called oopsies or in less polite terms what is this shit and who thought this was runway ready?
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