Friday, February 9, 2018

Tom Ford fall 2018 women's

“That’s Tom Ford in a nutshell: confident in the extreme and irreverent to the edge of defiance. For every viewer that questions this show’s good taste, there’s another that’ll call it glamour and be seduced.” Vogue
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OR as I would like to say….  yawning?... again ? ... still?  To say that this show seemed so much like a been there done that would be an understatement. Take away the animal prints and what’s left? Take away the Versace-iness of it and what’s left? If this is fashion news then the show might be classified as “fake news.” 
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And yes there is always this level of trying to be shocking by employing hair length skirts and “a pussy power” handbag. To say that he mined the 80s would be like saying Nicole Kidman has tried Botox. Then of course to jump on the “verbiage on the  tee shirt" band wagon we have the so humble designer’s signature emblazoned in silver on black all beaded for skeinteen jillion dollar to prove you are  a rich fashion victim. Be still my heart I am just bowled over by leggings and fur coats … again …. and some ill-fitting bare midriff pieces and of course suits and jackets with those wing span lapels in varying fabrications.
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So the fawners are out in force.. the oohing and aaahng is deafening and whatever happened to calling  spade a spade and good taste for that matter? Apparently glamour is now equated with sparkles and flash similar to what attracts a goat and hubris is mistaken for irreverent.

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