I guess when all else fails... it’s LOGO time!! Just slap it
on anything no matter how pedestrian, forced or absurd it maybe. Turn your
client base into a walking talking billboard.
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There are plenty of anoraks and shorts and bucket hands to
go around for rich and tasteless fashion victims. This collection hearkens back
to an ill-conceived time when one thought that these were ghet-to clothes. What
would Pierpaolo do without trainers, track suits, camouflage and well of course
some incarnation of a logo? But IN HIS DEFENSE
there were 2 suits… yes 2... One covered in Valentino spelled out and the other
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click image to enlarge
Putting this is in context is that this is H&M or Forever
21 at 10 or 20 times the price with the brand Valentino slapped onto it ...
exciting isn’t it? I want to know what
happened to the glory days when Eve Orton ran the Fifth Avenue store and walking
into the Madison Avenue shop you were greeted by wonderfully tailored salesmen
who were more than happy to sell you chic elegant menswear that bore the brand
name Valentino on the inside. If these clothes are any indication, there must
not be a salesperson over 30 on the floor of these glorious shops.
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click image to enlarge
Yeah I get it, the world is changing and fashion isn’t what
it used to be but I keep having the recurring thought that THIS and collections
like this are not the answer. The images speak for themselves.
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