The schizophrenia of Burberry by Ricardo Tisci!!!
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So he started out so quietly in the initial collection and in a way that might have led you to believe that he was going to glorify and exalt the heritage brand in a way that befit the stature of the brand.
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Apparently, during the building of this collection, Tisci went off his meds and all hell broke loose. The men’s clothes are reasonably tame, if not boringly so, except for one or 3 or 4 off the wall showpieces.
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The women’s however is quite another story that swings from fashion victim city to the hallowed halls of Kohl’s. Yes unquestionably there were some beautiful pieces that were in the vain of Burberry and then he would go totally off the rails with some ugly thrown together crap with flaps flying and feathers or clothes that look like they fell off the page of an old Sears catalog.
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One might say that an edit would have offered the viewer a clearer cut direction for the collection unless there is no clear cut direction and it’s all about what ever sticks to the wall.
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So here is my question... will the client run to the store panting to own some of this or will the clients avoid the brand like the plague. This course does not take into account fashion victims of the world as well as the so called fashion media who are wetting their depends at the very sight of this.
what a boredom !