Monday, September 14, 2015

Hood By Air (HBA) Spring 2016 NYFW

Better call in the Special Victims Unit... There’s been a rape! It’s the rape of fashion and we know who did it! The victim is the business of fashion and the co-conspirators, though not named specifically, include major media outlets for conspiring in print and on the internet as well as unsuspecting fawning know nothings who think it will be to their advantage to perpetuate this fraud and felony.

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Somewhere, this reviewer read that Shayne Oliver, the designer, if you want to think this was designed, (I prefer to think it was engineered) said the collection was about “fucking up your school uniform” and then some babble about deconstructionism. Here’s the deal, when one thinks of deconstruction one thinks of Martin Margiela not these useless assemblages of cloth or the obliteration of a garment. As for the school uniform, well, cut me some slack... beeotch!
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This is one of those times when no matter what the blah blah blah, the clothes speak loudly and they say WTF am I? As any seasoned fashionphile (buyer, designer, and retailer) can tell you, one of the things you learn early on is about hanger appeal because after all you have to sell what you buy/design. In my mind, hanging any of these creations is akin to throwing them on the floor in a pile. These are the clothes, the term is used loosely, that require an instruction manual to put on, that is of course assuming that anyone in their right mind would pay for them.
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How do we as an industry applaud this kind of fraudulent talent? Is this the quintessential dumbing down of fashion? Might this be one of the great PR scams of fashion? Why doesn’t anyone speak the truth about what they see based on their knowledge, which is of course assuming he or she has any? Who does this appeal to? Do you want to have your collections judged alongside this or equated with this?
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Why why why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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P.S. where are Jack McCoy, Detectives Benson and Stabler when you need them >

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