The first thing that comes to mind is that it isn’t easy
being Peter Copping! Everyone seems to waiting to see what he will do next and how
he will ever fill the shoes that he was chosen to wear. Without question, it is
my opinion that he is still treading lightly and rightfully so as Oscar built a
mega empire based on his taste and intuition. Copping can be described as
cautious but adventurous and that’s all good!
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With that being said Mr. Copping presented a beautiful
collection that was very Oscar laced with (pun intended) with many Copping
flourishes... again... pun intended! Colorful, feminine, omni-age appeal, red, sexy
when it could be, fashionable, a healthy dose of Latin spice, ruffles and yes! …
newness as well. There is a great lightness of hand here which so many cannot achieve.
What was disturbing to my eye was the skirt lengths as they just don’t seem to
flatter anyone and then paired with lace up espadrilles or flats... well not so
much! It is safe to say there was something for everyone here and yet this wasn’t
a let’s see what sticks to the wall scenario in terms of silhouettes, colors or
otherwise. This was a well-conceived, cohesive and calculated presentation.
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All in all, this collection can be termed evolutionary without
destroying and certainly not obliterating the brand’s DNA and for that alone
peter Copping deserves an A+... as well as the Bolen’s for making sure that
Oscars name is not besmirched by some new whim or concept emanating from the
current designer.
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In the end, I’s say this is a B+ outing all things being considered
which only means that hopefully things will evolve to even better
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